Major Export Product Category along with HS Code: Under HSN Code : 39079120 Product Description - POLYACETALS, OTHER POLYETHERS AND EPOXIDE RESINS, IN PRIMARY FORMS; POLYCARBONATES, ALKYD RESINS, POLYALLYLESTERS AND OTHER POLYESTERS, IN PRIMARY FORMS - OTHER POLYESTERS : UNSATURATED :POLYESTER OR CONTRACT RESINS, Under HSN Code : 32110000 Product Description - PREPARED DRIERS and Under HSN Code : 29025000 Product Description - CYCLIC HYDROCARBONS - STYRENE. Exim trade data provides the market intelligence solution report which helps you to know the actual market trends and give you an in-depth market research report. You can check out the latest India customs data or even allow you to download our sample India import export data by clicking the link. detailed A & A COMPOSITES’s company profile along with export data shipments, top product exports, suppliers list, Competitors analysis.
server2226 117 days ago Permalink
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